Monday, June 29, 2009

Lost time

I haven't posted in a while, but that doesn't mean my mind hasn't been active and processing the relationship between day to day life and the eternal. Eternity is an interested word, many people conflate the idea of eternity with time unending, or a continuation of time with out end. I prefer to think of eternity as an alternative to temporality, living outside of time and its constant forward motion. Some religions believe that there is an immutable soul that passes from the temporal to the atemporal, or from this world to eternity at the time of death. There are lots of wonderful ways to express this poetically, but for the most part our knowledge of life after death is either divinely inspired, raw/cold observation or comforting suppositions. I do not claim to be divinely inspired, and I have a hard time saying there is nothing after this life, so I usually grasp at ways to comfort myself when a loved one passes.

Recently my mother-in-law, passed away. I used to call her Mama Ro. She was funny, and lively and as my wife and I come to find out she seems to have lived many lives. We took on the task of cleaning out her apartment and saw the types of things she collected, pictures of herself, family and friends, clothes, shoes, and lots of memories. As we continued this work over the last month or so, I had a chance to get to know more about Mama Ro before I met her. To see some of the back story in her life and to fix a picture of her in my mind. I have been trying to understand her more so that I have stories to tell my son about his grandmother. In this way, she has passed from this world to eternity for me. She has fixed herself, outside of the turbulences of the constant march of time and become a whole person, from start to finish.

One time I was describing to a friend the impact a person has on the world, and history and the future. I described each person as a stone thrown into the lake of human history. As the stone enters the lake, ripples vibrate outward, affecting firstly the immediate surroundings of that person, but eventually the entire lake is somehow affected by that one person, and the ripples, while they diminish, never actually end. This is another way that a person achieves eternity, as they affect others, even in the smallest way. Sometimes this affect is good, sometimes it is bad.

I will miss Mama Ro, I am glad I got to do the work of cleaning out her home and hope that I can help share her impact on the world with my son.