Wednesday, October 21, 2015

a person without faith

A person without faith is nothing.  As in no thing.  What is meaning without a belief that meaning exists.  What is reality without a subject to percieve it?  And without faith that one's consciousness is legitimately more than the fated interactions of strings or atoms or energy or whatever theory comes up next, then it is nothing.  Even those theories have no meaning, they are models of a reality brought to us at a distance through perceptive systems constructed in that reality.  How does one observe when they are what is being observed.  There is no difference between the object of observation and the subject that is doing the observing.


One's feeling of importance, of specialness, is self-inflicted.  It is a matter of perspective.  From one's own eyes they are the largest thing that exists, and all things perceivable flow towards them.  But what is a human to a galaxy a billion light years away.  Our planet is a blip in time, our species is far less.  A fluke, we are statistically insignificant to all the universe except ourselves.


I detest materialism, but there is no evidence scientifically that anything exists beyond physical energy and its condensed forms as matter.  As such we are nothing more than the physical interactions of atoms and fields, energy and matter.  Nothing more.  Being alive is nothing more than the coordinated interactions of matter in various physical states.  As much as a galaxy or a solar system is born or dies, so do we.  It is painful to see myself as nothing more.  To see my consciousness and will as nothing but evolutionary advantage.  And what of happiness, or anger, or sadness.  Why do they exist?  Or love...
Sometimes passion dies.  Sometimes God dies.  When one's soul begins to fade, why not hasten it?  Why hang on?  If one can easily be replaced, if all their responsibilities can be fulfilled by others, if they are invisible, are they needed?  Is there a reason to stick around?  Why not fade into the background?  The background of time, of memory.